Our Strategic Focus

Youth Empowerment

Sapphital's passion for youth empowerment has always been at the heart of our mission. Recognizing the need for a dedicated platform catering specifically to young Africans, we launched Youtherium. With a team of passionate educators, tech experts, and youth development specialists, we built a platform designed to unlock potential, spark curiosity, and empower young minds across the continent. Youtherium is not just a program; it's a movement designed exclusively for the premium youth. It provides a dynamic space for young minds to unlock their potential, access exclusive courses, and connect with like-minded peers. With Youtherium, the future truly belongs to Africa's youth.

How we empower:

  • Tailored Learning Experiences: From skill-building to personal development, our courses provide a holistic learning experience that goes beyond traditional education

  • Strategic Partnerships for Impact: By forging strategic partnerships, we extend our reach, resources, and expertise to ensure a broader and more profound effect on the lives of young individuals.

  • Innovative Approach: Sapphital brings innovation to the forefront of youth empowerment, offering dynamic programs that resonate with the modern youth.


Small Business Digitalization

Sapphital leads African businesses into the digital frontier. Through cutting-edge mobile apps and websites, we propel enterprises into the future. Whether you're a startup or an established business, we ensure you stay ahead in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. Sapphital has worked on countless projects that have helped small businesses to navigate the tech landscape with confidence. An example is SME Digital Academy. In November 2020 we signed with the Federal Government of Nigeria through the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) to launch the first ever SME Digital Academy to Educate, Empower and Elevate Millions of MSMEs. We have trained thousands of MSMEs digitally across the 36 States in Nigeria with testimonies. We help SMEs by providing:

  • Digital Solutions: We build stunning, user-friendly websites, mobile apps with powerful e-commerce solutions and set up social media profiles for SMEs, which helps them showcase their brand, services and attract customers.

  • Expert guidance: Our dedicated team supports SMEs every step of the way, from crafting your digital vision, offering courses to celebrating your business milestones and everything in between.

  • Streamlined Operations: From pitch decks to graphic designs and social media calendars, we provide SMEs with tools they need to succeed and make their workflow efficient.

Government Digitalization

Governments play a pivotal role in shaping societies. Sapphital supports government projects at both state and federal levels by leveraging robust digital solutions. Over the last three years, we are proud to have entered into some strategic partnerships with the Federal Government of Nigeria and other institutions that have helped us take learning to multiple communities via our passion projects. From building portals to data collection and management, we enhance efficiency and effectiveness in public service delivery. We are committed to being a driving force behind positive governance outcomes.

  • Digital Transformation Support: Sapphital specializes in guiding government entities through comprehensive digital transformations. From developing robust digital strategies to implementing cutting-edge technologies, we support governments at both state and federal levels in optimising their operations and services.

  • Data Management and Analytics: Convert government data into actionable insights, optimizing resource allocation, improving service delivery, and tackling complex challenges with evidence-based decision-making.

  • Digital Training and Capacity Building: Equip government officials with the digital skills and knowledge they need to navigate the ever-evolving technological landscape and leverage its potential for improved service delivery.


Learning Management System (LMS)

Sapphital LMS is a robust and intelligent platform that helps organizations of all sizes to train and develop their employees. Sapphital also provides a centralized location for you to store and organise your learning content. This makes it easy for learners to find the content they need and for administrators to manage and update content. We offer a variety of tools and features to help you create and deliver engaging online courses, virtual classrooms, and self-paced learning modules. This includes course templates, video and audio recording tools, and assessment tools. There are many benefits to using a learning management system; 

  • Improve your training and development programs by providing a centralised platform for hosting and delivering learning content, tracking learner progress, and identifying areas where learners may need additional support.

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    Increased employee engagement and productivity: An LMS can help to increase employee engagement and productivity by providing a platform for staff members to access the training they need, when they need it.


e-Learning Content Conversion

Our E-Learning studio is one of the largest in the industry, and we excel in the art of content conversion. Since 2020, we've been at the forefront of transforming content for numerous Nigerian banks, government agencies, and esteemed international organisations, including GIZ, UBA, FirstBank, and many more. Many organisations still possess their training materials and internal learning documents in conventional formats such as Word documents, PowerPoint slides, books, and articles. Unfortunately, these formats may not resonate well with today's digitally savvy and younger audiences.

  • Customizable solutions: We tailor each e-learning experience to your unique needs and target audience.

  • Scalable platforms: Reach learners anywhere, anytime with our robust and scalable e-learning platforms.

  • Cost-effective solutions: Transform your existing content without breaking the bank.

Mobile Apps, Websites and Digital Solutions

Sapphital builds, manages and hosts websites and mobile apps, empowering engagement and innovation through captivating mobile applications and websites that are seamlessly integrated into your digital ecosystem. From native iOS and Android apps to cross-platform solutions, Sapphital brings your vision to life with comprehensive digital solutions that drive your business's digital transformation journey. Sapphital offers a wide range of mobile app development and website services, including:

  • Custom mobile app/ website build: Sapphital's team of experienced mobile app developers and website designers can create custom mobile apps and websites for your business, tailored to your specific needs and requirements.

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    Mobile app publishing: Sapphital can help you publish your mobile apps to the App Store and Google Play.

  • Mobile app and website hosting and management: Sapphital can host and manage your mobile apps and websites on its secure and reliable infrastructure.


Translation Services

At Sapphital, we offer translation services to help organisations convert their learning materials into multiple languages. This is a valuable service for organisations with a global workforce or that operate in multiple countries. Sapphital's translation services are particularly beneficial for organisations that need to translate their learning materials into African languages. Sapphirals has a team of experienced translators who are fluent in a variety of African languages, including English, French, Pidgin, and the three major Nigerian languages. Here are some of the benefits of using Sapphital's translation services for your learning materials:

  • Increased engagement and retention.

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    Improved accessibility.

  • Reduced cost.

Online Academies

At Sapphital, we seamlessly connect teachers and instructors with learners across Africa through our state-of-the-art platform. Our platform empowers individuals, regardless of their location, to enrol in courses and acquire valuable skills without limitations. Are you an instructor with expertise to share? Join our team and become an educator. Are you a passionate learner eager to expand your knowledge and earn a certificate? Browse our diverse course offerings and embark on your educational journey today. Here are 4 ways you can be part of the new wave of education and learning with Sapphital:

  • Become an instructor on Sapphital. Share your knowledge and expertise with learners across Africa by teaching a course on our platform.

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    Partner with us to promote the agenda. Help us to spread the word about Sapphital and the importance of education and learning in Africa.

  • Take courses on Sapphital. Learn new skills, expand your knowledge, and earn certificates at your own pace and on your own schedule. 


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